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TRUESSEC.eu Debate - Hosted during "In ICT We Trust?" Conference at University of Graz, Austria

A number of recent high-profile cases of businesses failing to protect their users’ data have led to an increasing erosion of trust in digital products and services. This is hampered by the fact that it is often difficult restore transparency and assess their trustworthiness.
One possible solution may be clear labelling and certification of ICT products and services. TRUESSEC.eu, an EU-funded project, aims at exploring the situation, the barriers, and the benefits of security and privacy labels. Its goal is to make recommendations to the EU Commission about how businesses might use labelling and certification to increase the level of trust in ICT.

The debate will address the role of trust for the adoption of ICT and EU-wide regulation, certification and labelling systems. The focus will be on criteria for trust and trustworthiness of ICT products and services, like security, privacy, benefit/value or autonomy (e.g. increasing trust through increasing control of users over their data).
Join our debate on 28th June at the University of Graz to hear from a panel of international experts on the socio-cultural considerations for labelling, trust, privacy and the certification of ICT products and services.

organisational requests:

Hristina Veljanova

Dpt. of Philosophy
Heinrichstraße 26/II
8010 Graz

Requests about program and workshop:

Stefan Reichmann

Center for Social Research
Universitätsstraße 15/G4
8010 Graz

Anna Haselbacher

Dpt. of the Foundations of Law

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